Saturday, November 28, 2009

Irony. Cruel irony.

About 6 months ago, our TV broke. We've been meaning to replace it. Some friends gave us an old 20", which helped us have time to do our homework. Because you know, buying a TV is a big commitment. Especially if you're the kind of people who only buy one every 20 years or so. It better be good.

So this morning (Saturday) we were looking through the Sears Black Friday ad. We're big shoppers like that. It turns out they had a really amazing Saturday only deal on just the kind of TV we were thinking of buying. Miracle of miracles, about 45 minutes of online research later (Lee thinks it's important to note that this was not so much research as REVIEW of research), we were out the door to see if we actually liked what we saw. And maybe buy it.

We found the TV and started watching it play through the demo. Games, yup. Digitally animated cartoons, OK. How about some faces? Oh, yes, this Brett Favre commercial! Hilarious! And he looks pretty good on this TV...

They didn't have any left in stock, but they could have it in by December 17. Well good heavens, we waited this long. No big deal. We told the salesman we'd just have a "quick look" to compare what we were seeing with some other sets.

About 20 minutes later (or more?), we decided we'd take it. All proud that we made up our minds faster than Brett. (Well except for the six months we've been "researching".) The salesman comes back and says he's very sorry, but in the time we took to make up our minds, the computer was now showing that it was out of stock altogether, and they wouldn't be selling it at that price any longer. But it would probably be a good deal again before the Super Bowl.

You're not funny, Brett. Not. one. bit.


After a chilly ride home, Lee made a beeline for his computer and got the TV online at the sale price, available for pickup at our local store in about three weeks. Smart. move.

OK Brett. You're funny again. But now we expect to be watching YOU. In the Super Bowl. On our new TV. WINNING! Got it?


  1. Haha, lucky you! I´m the total opposite! I usually buy too quickly.

  2. Funny ad! I'm thinking you meant "Well except for the six months we've been "reviewing the research!"

    Hee hee, sorry Lee!

  3. That Sears ad made my blog when it first came out! I love it. Since the Pack (and Charles Woodson) played on Turkey Day, tomorrow I will be a Brett in Purple fan. Hope he has another GREAT game. MN is lucky to have him. Go Brett Go!

  4. I hate those "loss leaders" that lure you into the store. They're always out of the best deals, aren't they? I think it's a ploy to get us to buy something primo-expensivo. I hope you have a tube on Sunday, though, so you can watch cute Brett kick some Chicago Bears booty...

  5. what an interesting story...glad it had a happy ending!

  6. Your Brett is doing a good job on de bears right now. That commercial is great. So glad it worked out and you got a tv coming soon. Way too similar to an episode at our house when we made offer on a house when we were house hunting 5 years ago. You know the home of my dreams. Mr. Negotiator that I'm married to decides to play hardball and we ended up loosing the house to someone else. It was a chilly night (week) at our house.
    Good for Lee for finding it online. That is where I'm doing most of my shopping too.

  7. yeah for finding it online... that is crazy!

  8. My husband and I are totally opposite - he thinks forever about buying something until I just give up and think we're never going to get it. I buy it when I think we need it. But this week we were lucky - our daughter got up at 4:00 a.m. for the Black Friday television deal at Target. Only when she got it home it was 1/2" too small for her entertainment center. Bad for her = good for me. I bought it from her - a Black Friday deal without getting up at the break of day. :) BTW my husband had been to three stores to look at them and still couldn't decide. blessings, marlene

  9. Gotta love the internet and the things it can do for you when things are "all out"!!!


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