Friday, November 6, 2009

A cool thing happened this week...

I've mentioned before that I'm part of a Moms in Touch group--moms who meet to pray for our kids and their school. It happens that for the second year now I lead this group.

I am a reluctant leader. I was not looking forward to making sure I was prepared for 9:00 on Monday morning. Yes, I have a resource notebook. Yes, I have my Bible. But no, on a Monday morning, I don't always have my act together. At all.

Here's what I love. I've discovered that I can bring pretty much any truth or Bible passage that I've encountered or studied since we last met, and it makes a beautiful springboard for prayer. I really can hardly go wrong, because when we open ourselves to him, God speaks.

I was thinking about that and about the blessing this role has been to me, and I decided to focus our session this week around that fact that God speaks. As we began our time of prayer requests, several people shared that after conferences last week, they needed some very specific wisdom about what direction to take with a particular child. One said, "We need to know whether to go this way or that way or what?"

Listen to this passage that I had planned to share:

"How gracious he will be when you cry for help! As soon as he hears, he will answer you. Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way, walk in it.'" Isaiah 30:19b-21

How great is that! Sometimes all the planning and structure and preparation and general "having my act together" in the world cannot begin to compare to simply listening when God speaks. May I be quick to listen, and when He speaks, may I also be quick to respond with my full attention and cooperation.


  1. That's really neat!

    Do you mind if I send this to my sister who works there?

  2. I love those God encounters...sure makes a difference! :)

  3. It´s great how God speaks through us and His word, when we obey and listen.
    Thanks for sharing that wonderful moment!

  4. It always amazes me how much he guides us. Especially in the little things. I love this scripture.

  5. I know that when we speak, God listens. And speaking of which, who are the Vikings playing tomorrow? We're hoping (and praying a little) that Green Bay beats that other "Bay." Tampa, I think it's called?

  6. thanks for the encouraging post. I have been learning a lot about this lately too!

  7. Don't you just love when stuff like that happens...again, I think that is GOD all the way! Great idea and I am sure that it will work out well!

  8. Wow! Is that perfect or what? But then God is perfect! blessings, marlene

  9. Tracy this is good. I've been a "relunctant" leader too for the last 4 years. Thankfully, I've been able to co-lead for the last two. I do agree that doing the sheets is so rewarding. When I walk in and a mom looks at the scripture and says. This is just what I need to pray today for my child. It reminds me that God can use these sheets to minister to others.
    I've been inspired by a sermon or a verse I heard on the radio. I think "that would make a great verse to pray at MITI" You just start thinking that way.
    I pray your moms find peace as they read this Isaiah passage that God will make His will clear for their children.
    I just got Fern's new book. When Mom's Pray. If you don't have it you'll love it. Such a testimony to God's faithfulness.



A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!