Monday, June 29, 2009

WHOOOO lives in a pineapple under the sea?

SpongeBob Squarepants!


  1. I love those posts like this - the title of the post qappears in the blogroll (or reader) and you cannot for the LIFE of you guess what on earth the post will be about.

    Spongebob Squarepants! Who'd-a thought?

    We don't catch much of Spongebob here (we're a bit backward) and when Nat saw him on a book at the supermarket, he asked for the book with the "Cheese-Man." I thought that was pretty cute.

  2. At least you took your kids to see these critters when your cherubs were still age-appropriate. Not at all like me & my Mommy Dearest Syndrome (see Mickey & ENU from yesterday's Sx3).

    BTW, my youngest just launched a photo blog, and I'm shamelessly trolling for traffic. Please visit my site to see what she's got going, and pay her a visit!

  3. How Fun! :) My kids love Spongebob! Your focus post was spot-on! Thanks for the reminder!

  4. I try and act like I'm not paying attention when my girls watch Spongebob. But I am...and the humor is great. That is a great picture of the gang.


  5. My teenagers would probably pose with Spongebob. Thanks for putting the theme song in my head.


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