Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Road trip, anyone?

We're starting to get ready for one of our famous road trips. I love just thinking about it! Our kids do too, and I have to admit that I am amazed at what good travelers they are. I often say I would rather take a ten hour trip in the car with them than a ten minute trip.

I am always looking for some new ideas for the car. This time we especially need some good foods for the road. We got a little tired of pbj's last year. So...

What are your best road trip ideas? Foods? Car activities? Items to pack? Pick me ups for crabby or rainy days? Funny stories? Awesome place you have visited?

Leave a comment, or better yet, do a post of your own and let me know and I will link to you. If a few people do their own posts, I will even put up a Mr. Linky so you can come back and find them later when it's time for YOUR next road trip.


  1. Because my life got a bit mixed up I only remember one trip that was blissful. A trip to Yellowstone when there were no fights, no screaming just happy memories. Have a wonderful time!

  2. Oh yay! A road trip. The last time we had one of these I took painters tape and made a miniture map like road on the roof of our car, with a little car that would "drive" through the destinations that I had along the way. It kept the kids busy and it was fun to keep track of our trip!

    BTW, I am baaaaack!

  3. I like Emily's idea! I am not experienced enough to offer any good ideas of my own though. Looking forward to other answers here in your comments!

    Loved the picture. It made me groan, but it's a good picture.

  4. Having just come back from a road trip of my own I can't say I'm as excited as you are: However, the granola bars were a big hit on the road - and rice krispy treats!

    We played the "license plate" game some - but the best advice is let the kids each take their own small bag of "stuff" - that way they can't (excuse me "shouldn't") complain about not having something they like to do.

    Also, try giving each of the kids a disposable camera - you'll get some great pictures.

    Glad to be back - still trying to catch up on my blog reading!

  5. First of all, I think you should make sure that you have given your children enough room to safely fit in/buckle up in that packed car of yours. From the picture it looks like they're being overtaken with stuff. =) Seriously, I think road trips are so much fun, but I have no ideas. At our stage of life right now the DVD player and Disney Pixar's CARS DVD are our new best friends. I'm going to steal some ideas off of here for future reference.

  6. Where to this time? Will you be blogger-enabled? We still do the "ABC" game with the license plates, and, of course, "I Spy with My Little Eye." PS...gave your Beer Cheese Soup recipe a quasi-shout-out today!

  7. Adventures in Odyssey cd's or tapes. They're probably downloadable by now. Adventures in Odyssey gave us many quiet miles and engaged all four of us. They also gave us some good teaching moments.

    Audio books are good too, if you can find something you all will like. Once we listened to "A Gathering of Days". Steve was bored and the girls and I bawled. It's funny now. We enjoyed Shel Silverstein poems and a book about the gold rush by Hobbs(can't remember the title), and we all were intrigued by Madeline L'Engle's A Wind in the Door.

    Two years ago was our last big road trip. I borrowed the bible on cd from a friend. We decided to listen to a little bit every morning, and told the girls they could choose which books. El chose first. Song of Solomon. They were 14 and 12 at the time. There was lots of snickering from the back. And the front. Every once in a while now I remark that their teeth are like a flock of sheep, each has it's twin.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!