Thursday, May 7, 2009

We interrupt our regularly scheduled program...

You know how in the middle of getting away for a relaxing time without the pressures of home, you suddenly start missing your family?  No?  Me neither.  Honestly, being away on a retreat for two and a half days was perfectly blissful.  

However, I am desperately missing them on my blog after two weeks.  So here's a little random slice of life before I come back and wrap up the retreat with some more good stuff.

Today Bethany stayed home from school with a sore throat and congestion.  After we had played all the cat's cradle and Chinese jump rope I had in me, and she had watched all the TV I could justify, we went out to get the old plants out of the pots.  And voila!  Bethany found a new friend.

Last weekend we went somewhere beautiful.  More about that later.

And last but not least, my Mother's Day present arrived yesterday.  I am completely satisfied!


  1. I think that froggy likes her.
    Can't wait to hear about where you went. It looks interesting.

    What a beautiful bunch of blooms.
    I know your enjoying all the color.
    Happy Mothers Day.


  2. Awesome photos... amIstartingtosoundlikeabrokenrecord?

    Hmmm, what's the present?

  3. Isn't it nice to have them home for a day once in a while? I'm keeping my 4 month old grandson every day right now but today my 3 year old granddaughter didn't feel well so she stayed home with me. Since she's quiet today she sat and read blogs with me for a few minutes. :) blessings, marlene

  4. Very nice flowers! Happy Mother´s day!

  5. Frogs are sooo cute!The flowers aren't bad either ;)

  6. Glad to hear you are having a good Mothers Day and I hope you got your card!

  7. Oooooh! The perfect Mother's day gift!!! Stunning. I do so love God's art best!

    And Bethany's friend is quite cute. Did she re-enact the fairy tale and kiss the frog who turned into a prince?!? ;-)


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!