Friday, May 1, 2009

Refreshed! (part 3): My Guide

There's not a whole lot of righteousness or unrighteousness about sheep.  They just do their sheepy thing.  But the condition of the flock is a reflection on the shepherd.  The sheep will follow him anywhere, so it is his job to guide them carefully.  His reputation depends on it.

We serve a righteous God. If we follow him in faith, he promises to guide us carefully. He doesn't promise that the path will be straight, flat and smooth. He does promise to be trustworthy in his guidance. He knows the final destination is worth some precarious paths. And he knows that the more we follow him, the more we reflect him.  


  1. thank you for this...and the email, I really appreciate it and it is blessing me!!!

  2. What an inspirational post...and are these your shots? If so, I want to move to your neighborhood! BTW, I've Blingged you this morning...please stop by to pick up this pretty cool award!

  3. I'm so thankful where ever He leads us He is with us.
    Your pictures are so pretty Tracy.

  4. I love this Tracy. I love the photos of the path and knowing that God knows us best and will help us find our way....even through bumpy and rough paths.

  5. Superior Snaps, all! But you already knew that, right? BTW, please don't forget Sx3 today. We're celebrating Cinco de Mayo with a Tex-Mex cookbook giveaway!


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!