Monday, March 16, 2009

In the interest of full disclosure... can probably take "the poor people freezing on the tundra" off your prayer list. At least for today. The temperature here has gone up 65ยบ since my weather report last week. Hooray!

So of course we've been outside. Most people under 30 had shorts on today.

Here is Ben demonstrating how THIS happened.

Bethany decided she was camera shy.

Later she took the mound. It was still a little frozen, but she wouldn't let that stop her.

Here she is expressing what everyone around here was thinking today...



  1. Love her pink ballglove. She is all girl. :)
    Glad you all are enjoying some warmer temps. I'm catching up from the hotel business center.

    Tracy, will you check my blog and go click on that site and give me a vote. I'm in need Sister. :)
    Only one vote per computer. So if you have access to a different computer before Friday, maybe vote from that one too. I appreciate it so much.
    Are you on Spring Break too?


  2. Great photos! I love the last one! That is how I have been feeling the past few days, too ;o)

  3. Your kids are so cute!! And it's 65 today here too. But snow is coming on Monday...SOB!

  4. I finally decided to stop being an anonymous commenter. You deserve better! Bethany is getting me excited to practice playing catch at our house this week!


    your Sis


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!