Sunday, December 7, 2008

Sweet and Simple Treats

We're baking up a storm here, getting ready for Christmas.  Bethany just whipped up a batch of these little beauties, and she's all set to show you just what to do.  All you need is a package of holiday pretzels (the rectangular waffle ones are cute too), a package of Hershey's Kisses, and some M&Ms.  

Place pretzels on a cookie sheet.  Unwrap Kisses.

Place unwrapped Kisses on pretzels.

Now they're ready for the oven.  Bake at 170 degrees for 3-4 minutes (probably closer to four).

Remove from oven, and quickly place an M&M on each kiss.  Press down gently but firmly.  If you find that Kisses are still solid, place in oven for another minute (before putting the rest or the M&Ms on).  Otherwise they will not attach to the pretzel.

They are ready to eat, and special enough to give as gifts.
Cute, quick, yummy!  It doesn't get any better than that!

Note:  These things deserve a real name.  Any suggestions?


  1. Ok. I am making these things they look great. They will satisfy my sweet and salty cravings all at the same time. Great job Bethany!
    So colorful and pretty too.

    name idea:
    Bethany's Colorful Kisses

  2. My mom makes those every year for Christmas. They ARE yummy and a perfect blend of salty and sweet!

    I've got my post scheduled for midnight. When are you doing the mr. linky?

  3. These look really good, I've never had them before but I think we might have to try them.

  4. Yumm those look great! I can't think of a name! I'm so uncreative when I try! :)

  5. OOOOH YUM! How about Pretzel Blobbers? ha.

    great thought here! I am going to try these tonite!

  6. Tracy,
    Where did you find those Christmas pretzels. I've been to 2 different stores and can't find them.


  7. M & M Kiss
    That's my name for them, and I just might have to try that!

  8. Oh, you know...I did get the pretzels at Target, but the brand is Old Dutch, and they are a local or regional brand. The first ones I saw were on the rectangular crisscross pretzels, and they were super cute too.

    I am loving the name suggestions! Thanks!

  9. These are really unique cookie recipes! Glad I came over to look :)

    I found you over at Betty's

  10. Oooh! These are totally darling! AND the photos are awesome (good perspective, great depth of focus, good color ... well done, friend!!)

  11. How about: Tree Toppers (for the tree ones)? Pretzel Buttons? Salty Meltums? Chocolate Pretzel Dots? Pretzems (pretzel + MM)? That's all I've got ;)

  12. One more..
    Santa's Salty Smooches?

  13. I make these every year but they tasted best with mint hersey kisses, only last year they didn't make them. ARe they this year, cause they are so good that way.

  14. I'm striking out on the Christmas pretzels. I went to Target today and couldn't find any.
    I just ended up buying some mini twisty kind.
    I love Betty's name for them.
    I've already made them and we loved them. Leah's piano teacher got to sample some too.
    Thanks for this one.



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