Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

We left THIS a week and a half ago...

...and we're still on the road.

We are having a great time!  More about that if we decide to head back to the tundra when we get home.  Until then, have a happy and blessed New Year!


  1. Glad you're having such a great time! We're in Florida so we have NO SNOW either! It's great if you ask me!

    Looking forward to your return!

  2. Happy New Year!! Hope you continue your good time!

  3. Happy New Year! Enjoy the rest of your family time.

    Funny you were just at my blog, as I was on my way to yours.

    We're still waiting for snow!!!!!

  4. Are you in FL? All those Oak trees with the moss hanging down remind me of home. Looks like the kids are enjoying themselves. My parents and in-laws (both live in FL) both have golf carts. That is the highlight of the trip for my girls when we go to FL ~getting to drive Poppy's golf cart.
    Your house looks so pretty with all the snow.
    Happy New Year!


  5. Tracy: Welcome back! I've missed you so much, but have been consuming mass quantities of Beer Cheese Soup in your absence! And the Vikings are in the playoffs...who'da thunk? Here's hoping you and yours Have the Happiest of New Years!

  6. Happy New Year! Looks like you're having a great time.

  7. Ok, I'm glad you're having a fun time with the fam and all, but it's time to come home now...I miss you! Hit the road sista! It's only -20 here, what cha gripin' about???

  8. I'll bet the golf cart doesn't have snow tires! Welcome back...hope your 2009 is fine!

  9. hehe. What a complete contrast!!!
    Happy New Year :-)

  10. Oh wow, look at all of you hanging in there with me! Thanks!

    Yup, we've been in Florida alright! Now we're back in Georgia, breaking ourselves in very gradually. What's that? Minus 20? Still time to reconsider!

  11. Tracy, Central FL/South Georgia. We'll probably rake up some kin if we keep talking.
    My Mom is from So. GA. Tifton. She grew up there and I still have lots of family there. Keith is from Columbus. I grew up in the Tampa area in FL.
    Have a safe trip going back to the frozen tundra.


  12. I can tell you are tired of snow. However, I wish I could see some every now and then. Unfortunately, when we get any kind of winter precip in north Texas, the world comes to a screeching halt. Oh, and it's usually ice. :(


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!