Thursday, October 30, 2008

A trick that IS a treat (a.k.a. How to Get Rid of the Hiccups)

In acknowledgement of a day that can't easily be ignored, but that isn't a favorite of mine, I give you a trick that will come in handy someday.

Last week I noticed that Givinya had an antidote for a sneeze on her blog, and Lizzy wanted to know if she also had a cure for the hiccups.  Well, I've got just the trick for that one.  I promise, it works for me every time. 

When I was a teacher, it seems that about once a year I would get the hiccups in the middle of a lesson. So I would stop what I was doing and tell the kids to wait a minute while I got myself a drink of water.  They would watch in amazement as I showed them how to drink the water upside down!  I could always tell that their respect for me went up several notches on those days.  

So, without further ado, here are my capable assistants, Cincinnati Bengals #85 CHAD JOHNSON (hear announcer's booming voice) and "not at all scary" Feather Witch Bethany (I know, she's a witch...not my idea!) to demonstrate this handy magic trick.
Watch carefully...

1.  Get a glass of water, about 2/3 full (not too big, not too small).

2.  Put your mouth on the side of the glass that is AWAY from you. (Uh oh, Chad.  Better take your helmet off first! That's better.)

3.  Bend over forward and drink the water. All of it. Do NOT stop in the middle! (It may take a couple of tries to get proficient at sort of holding your breath so water doesn't go up your nose, but you can do it!)

Voila!  Your hiccups have now disappeared!  You're welcome.

By the way, Debbie chose little old me to be the guest blogger at Blog Around the World  for Friday. I know, I can't believe it either!  But you can go on over yourself and find my reflections on The Power of Words.


  1. Ahhh yes... that trick used to work for me for years... and then it stopped working...

    You don't want to know what happened the first time I tried it...

    Suffice it to say that basically pouring water up your nose will also get rid of hiccups.

  2. I loved your guest blog over at BATW! Your kids are so cute! I have a letter that I wrote to my parents when I was a little girl that started with... "bad noos" I guess I had some "Bad News". Thanks for sharing their cute letters!

  3. Ha Ha, they are too cute!

    BUT, it is easier just to eat a spoon full of peanut butter, it is what my husband does!

  4. Another trick that works 90% of the time (although you need help to do it) is drink several good gulps of water while someone covers your ears tightly. Weird, huh?

  5. I have done the drinking upside down as well as Jori-o's suggestion. Both have worked well for me. Unfortunately, there isn't always someone close to help with the ear thing.

  6. I have to agree. The upside down water thing really works. :) I love your daughters costume. Super cute :)

  7. Over here from BATW. The upside down drinking works for me - but it's pretty messy, so I guess I still need to work on it!

    Have a lovely day!

  8. Okay I feel like a moron. I was unaware that there was an ACTUAL way to drink water upside-down! I thought that it was a trick that people played on you so that when you tried it, it would spill down your front, causing you to GASP and thus startling the hiccups away :) heheh

  9. Congrats on being guest blogger today!! :)

    I'm definitely going to write down that cure. When i get hiccups i they're always embarassingly loud. *blush*

  10. This does work!!! The only thing I have found that works for us! I love your blog - esp. the treat you give out on Halloween. How nice to know that others are shining in this dark world!

  11. I can just imagine a roomful of enraptured children ready to do your every bidding after a trick like that!

  12. Brilliant trick! I've always just held my breath, closed my eyes and thought of a place I'd like to be..

    It's worked for me, but perhaps I should try it your way next time.

  13. I will definitely have to try that! Your kids are so precious!!! I loved your guest blog on BATW...SO SWEET!

  14. Here via BATW. Congrats on being a guest blogger. Great post.

    My mom was always making us drink from glasses upside down as kids to get rid of the hiccups. Never worked for me.

    A more recent discovery for the cure for hiccups is peanut butter. One teaspoon. That's it. And now when I get them, I just have to think about peanut butter and they disappear. It's a mind thing now.

  15. hahah, I laughed! Are you really serious? I have never heard of this but I loved seeing your kids try to do it.
    I loved your post over at Debbies and hope you get lots of visitors today telling you so!

  16. Cool. I only get hiccups like twice a year, but they last forever and I often get them more than once that day! Thanks! Congrats on your post at BATW. My sister teaches school and she has the funniest story about a boy who used to hit other kids. She was trying to teach him to use his words instead of his hands. One day, he hit another boy and she sent him into the hall for punishment, only to come out a few minutes later to discuss this with him. She asked him why didn't he use his words and he said (in a little black southern grandmother voice - he lived with his grandmother)..."I triiied to use my words, but my words, they just wasn't workin'."


  17. I used this trick all thru my childhood (and still resort to it now when I can't get rid of hiccups). It does not work with my kiddos. I'm not sure how they're managing to breath during the upside down drinking, but they must be. Y'know another trick? A spoonful of sugar. But ewwwww.

    Off to read your BATW post :-)

  18. How awesome.... I learned a new hiccup remedy AND an awesome Beer Cheese Soup recipe in one click. I love BATW! Your blog is so inviting ..... thanks for hosting us!

  19. Hi Tracy!
    That was cute. :) I'm giving your children a **hand**. :) :)
    BTW: I'm over here from BATW.
    Have a great day! Thanks for having me!

    PS Popcorn in soup? Interesting! I might have to give that a try!

  20. I used to wonder what people meant by "drink water out of the wrong side of the glass." Now I know. (My remedy is, drink ten swallows of water without breathing.)

  21. I think it's wonderful that your girl is using her words to get her feelings out there! Beware to her future husband, though!

  22. that is just to cute and I am totally going to have to remember that. BTW, loved your guest post at BATW today.

  23. wait a MINUTE! Now. I'm not from Minnesota... HOWEVER, I am a HUGE Vikings fan. Where's the Vikings jersey, dude?!

    Cute costumes, though!

  24. I love your power of words over at are never too young to know the importance of words and how they impact others.

    Thanks for the tip...I'll have to remember this next time I get the hiccups.

  25. I remember being shown that as a little girl and I could never remember how it was done! Thanks for the reminder!

  26. Hi, It's so nice to meet you. Great Blog. I will remember this trick. I've always heard to drink upside down, but, didn't know if that was really possible. I do now. Thanks.

  27. I have never seen that hiccup trick done. Now we have something to try next time.
    Loved your BATW post about the power of words. Great thing that you are teaching your kids. I loved their costumes by the way.
    Happy Halloween!!!

  28. Loved your post today over at BATW!!!

    Also, your kids are adorable...tell them great job in demonstrating your post!!

  29. I've always heard of doing this but never actually seen anyone do it. Pretty cool. A spoon full of sugar actually works too. But then you may have a sugar rush after. :) I really enjoyed your post BATW.

  30. What a cute trick! I had not heard of that one before.

    The costumes are just too cute.

    Happy Halloween!!!

  31. Boo! from's so nice to read your blog. I love all the pictures.
    My kids have tried that trick with the water...didn't go so well for them.
    Happy Halloween,

  32. I have never tried that. I usually just try to adjust my breathing for me. And scaring the kids works for them. amuses me...

  33. Oh I've always wanted to try that one... I've heard of it but never tried it even though there are times I definitely should have!

  34. Oh my gosh, I do the same thing too! Except I don't use the glass. I remember being in school and getting the hiccups. I'd go to the water fountain and get some water. In an attempt to do something different one time I started swallowing while bent over. It worked! That's so cool to know I'm not the only one :)

    And thanks for your encouragement today on my Halloween post!

  35. WOW! I have tried this but have never done it properly...I will have to try this with my daughter who seems to get the hiccups alot lately...
    BTW, I am not a witch costume fan, but I've gotta say, that is the best costume I have EVER seen for a witch....and OCHO CINCO?????? Why not CArson Palmer????

    Your kids are adorable!

  36. Hi from Texas and BATW. I love your blog and your cure,tho I am not yet able to do it without water up my nose... My cure was always to take a deep breath,hold it and count slowly to 10. Works every time..:)

  37. I LOVE children's notes! They are priceless! I'm so glad you keep them or at least blog them for posterity.

    Thanks for hosting us!

  38. Have a great Halloween the kids look adorable;) Found you via the BATW site!!! Loved this have tried it many times and never succeeded...good job kids;) French

  39. On another friends blog she actually asked for a cure for hiccups. Have to get her to read this.

    Love the costumes. You have such cute kids!

  40. I love both the costumes. The witch hat and broom are my favorite parts though!

  41. 41 Nice People Commented...I hope you consider me the 42nd!!

  42. I've tried that and it really works!

  43. Y'all are talented--I think I would have the same problem Lizzy had her first time to try it.

    If my husband's around, I have him squeeze between my thumb and forefinger really hard while I hold my breath as long as I can. It always works, probably because it hurts so much that I stop thinking about the hiccups.

  44. Dear Superior Scribbler: Sorry for the "canned" and unrelated nature of this comment, but I wanted to get to as many of you tonite as possible. One of the things that we at Scholastic Scribe are most proud of is the Silly Sunday Sweepstakes. Several of you are already familiar with the arbitrary and quite inane weekly attempt at humor...for you, and for those of you who have not yet played Sx3, I urge you to drop by Sunday to see what's up. Oh, and congrats on being named a SS. You earned it!

  45. Congrats to you, Pop'rs Veteran! You're one of our winners in The Great Pop'rs Halloween Giveaway!! Please drop by my place soon to see about picking up your prize!

  46. so that's how you drink out of a glass upside down! Good thing I read your blog...or I'd be a hiccuup sufferer for life! :)

  47. I have something for you at my blog today! Come take a look.

    Have a great week!

  48. I've gotta try that sometime! I usually gargle with water. That works somehow...

  49. That's awesome!! Bravo! Bravo! What awesome assistants you have!

    *found you through BATW


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