Saturday, September 13, 2008

Girl Time!

Today I had a very fun day with my friend Carla.  We headed down to a few quaint little towns along the river for lunch and shopping.  It was a misty sort of a day, but not cold or windy, so it was quite pleasant.

We had a very tasty lunch at this cute place, and discovered they had Bridgeman's ice cream. Peppermint bon bon no less!!

Then we went shopping in this beautiful town. They were having a diversity fair. The Germans had a booth, as well as the Sons of Norway, we were told.  Now that's diversity for ya! We didn't partake.

Look at this cool truck...

Wait a minute!  What's the name of the store behind it??  Yooouuu got it!  The Uffda Shop!

It was a visit back to my Scandihuvian (the Scandinavian word for Scandinavian) roots (rhymes with "foots") fer sure. They had a sweatshirt that I nearly had to buy.  It said, "What part of uffda do you not understand?"  HA!  It seriously made me want to come home and make some lefse.  One of these days I will, and I'll show you this scrumptious stuff.  Do not mistake it for anything made out of fish.  That would be lutefisk, and there is absolutely no connection between the two.  Trust me, I would not be making that stuff.  Uffda.

I couldn't resist taking a bunch of pictures of the town.   There were huge baskets and containers of petunias everywhere, and I loved the way the rain made the colors even more vivid.

Nothing like a little getaway to recharge your batteries, I say.  Thank God for good friends!


  1. The flowers in the pictures are so pretty! It looks like a great day!

  2. I have no idea what "uffda" means. Can you please explain it to this poor Irish girl?

  3. Oh, I say "Uffda!" all the time. I got it from my German grandma who was married to a Norwegian. I never did figure out how she picked it up. As a word collector, it just occurred to me that maybe she was a word collector too. I need to find that shirt.

    Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing your girly day.

  4. For us locals, what towns are these? I can't quite place them, but am always looking for fun day trip ideas.

  5. OMG--the UFFDA Shop? Are ya jokin' me? We're all Scandihuvian around here, too--ja, shore, you betcha! Sounds like you had a lovely outing--I'm a tad jealous! BTW, I'm hosting a Recipe Week on my blog, starting tomorrow. Please stop by and see what's cookin'! Let's just say Swedish Meatballs might be involved...

  6. Okay...where are you??? I am in the burbs of Atlanta - and being a Lutheran means you have hordes of Scandanavians.

    And I know what you mean about returning your visitors :-) I wanted to say thank you to you for visiting me in Georgia via BATW!

  7. I am sick to my stomach that I missed your SITS day. Seriously. I had no idea. I hope you had a load of fun!

    How quaint is that town? I love all the seems like such a faraway place to me. Slower pace, vintage cars, little Target in sight...well that could be bad...But you get the idea. Thanks for sharing!

  8. What a cute town! And I love that truck! And I'm not sure what Uffda means. (hopefully I'm not the only one!)

  9. Hey, thanks for visiting my site! I hope you enjoyed checking out Niue! It's beautiful!


  10. Hello Tracy dear,

    I adore your blog!! I have enjoyed spending a couple of hours here reading all about your days journeys!! And I will be back often!!

    Hope your having a wonderful day!!

  11. UFF-DA!!!!!!I know where you were, I know where you were, and I can't even see the pictures here at work!!!! You were in RED WING weren't you????!!!!


    I can't wait to see the rest of your pics to see where all you were.

    Oh - and Debbie - Red Wing has a Target... remember hon this is Minnesota - you get your population up above about 5000 and you're gonna get a Target.

  12. Your pictures are lovely .. I want to visit just looking at them!

    Thanks for stopping by today! I had so much fun with all my visitors! :o)

  13. Gorgeous! I wish I could jump into your photos!
    What fun to spend a day with your friend eating and shopping!

  14. Looks like a great place to visit! Thanks for sharing...the pictures were great!

  15. That looks like such a quaint little town peaceful & quiet.
    It looks & sounds like the two of you had a good time.
    Thank you for stopping by my blog today.

  16. What a beautiful town!!!
    Thanks for sharing :)

  17. THANK YOU!!!

    When we lived in Winona we went up 61 a majillion times and I was stumped beacuse I thought chickadee was in Lake City, but I am blonde so one never knows!!!

  18. Was Hot Tub Lizzy right? Is that town in Minnesota? It looks beautiful! Great picture of the church with the flowers in the foreground! What a delightful day!

  19. What a beautiful place to visit. Don't you jsut love little towns and how cute they are? Looks like you had a great time.

  20. Hello Tracy dear,

    Yes with my permission, go for it :D

    Your little vistor is a ruby thoated female. They are the same as what I have here. I have 6 females and two males. (Wouldn't you know it... the MALES get the ruby thoat... and the females get to look all the same.)

    I enjoy all of mine daily. I have two feeders, and have to fill them daily. 1 1/2 cups of sweetened water for each feeder! But boy the fun the grands and I have watching them fly around. If I don't fill them fast enough for them, one of the males waits til I come out the door... and HE FLIES RIGHT UP IN MY FACE, STOPS ABOUT 6 inches from my face. AND TALKS BACK TO ME!! Then he flies off!!! It is worse than having the grands tell me I am slow!! lol. ;)

    Thank you Tracy for stopping by my blog. Enjoy your hummingbirds dear.

    Hope you have a wonderful day!!

  21. I am so glad I stopped by your blog today, I started looking at pictures and then it hit me-I know where that is! My brother lives in R.W., what a small world! I went to college a couple hours south of there, so I've been through that town many, many times. It is such a beautiful place! Sounds like you had a fun day with your friend!

  22. Thanks for visiting Idaho today. So glad you were able to get to Yellowstone. It really is worth the visit. Congrats on your SITS day. I just can't keep up with all these fun sites!

  23. Tracy! What town is this? It's sooo pretty!

  24. Thanks for adding New Zealand to your list of trips on the BATW tour. Hope you enjoyed the visit.

    Loved this post - where is it?

  25. Wow - it's been a long time since you've blogged (well obviously for me as well since I'm trying to catch up)....I hope all is well!

    BTW - I LOVE all the pics, what a great little refreshing outing!

  26. What a cute, cute town!! You'll have to let me know where you were. Don't you love MN in the fall??

  27. What an absolutely lovely town. I would love to spend a day (or more) there. I love the church and the steeple. Also the Chickadee Cottage was so cute. I call my girls my chickadees so that really caught my eye.
    Good for you getting away with a good friend.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!