Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: One Tough Dude!

Well, kinda tough.


  1. Wow.. he looks so cute in that uniform! One tough dude indeed!

    Here are my Wordless Wednesday entries:
    Jenn Was Here and Embracing Myself. Please feel free to visit when you have the time. Happy Wednesday!

  2. He does look tough with his mouthpiece on. And when he took it off, he looks really cute and adorable. :)

    My WW is at http://mommyontop.com/2008/08/wordless-wednesday-1/

  3. Tough, yet still a cutie. Great shots. happy WW!

  4. I like the first and last ones side by side. So cute!

  5. There's just something about little boys in their football uniforms that grabs your heart and squeezes tight. You can be looking at their sweet faces and seeing their all-grown-up selves - the men they will become. A mother's heart lingers there. blessings, marlene

  6. That's one cute kid, cleverly disguised as a tough guy. I'd want to guive him a hug, but I don't think my arms would fit around all that padding!!

  7. How fun! I remember those days. Crisp fall air, sitting there watching my son play football. It was very good.
    I hope my next little guy will play football, too, he is a tough one.

  8. Ahhh, the memories this invokes. We followed our son from this stage all the way to the state champion game his senior year. Good luck to him in his new career.

  9. Takes me back... What a great age.
    Nice series!
    - Mojo

  10. You are one brave mom to be able to watch your child play football. I think I'd be scared silly.

    BTW, your post titles are not updating on my blog list. This was happening to me and I had to check my site feed under the settings tab on my dashboard. You can either set it to Full, or Short to get it to update your posts on other people's blogs. You may already know this, but just thought I'd point it out! Have a great day!

  11. It's a good thing I have girls because I'd spend the whole game screaming for people to "quit tackling my baby!!"

  12. Very cool. Just about 10 days away from the 1st game right?

    Happy WW! Stop by and say hi. Here's a link to our post.

  13. What is it about a uniform full of padding that makes a little boy look so HUGE!

    How awesome that he has the opportunity to be a part of a team. Praying that he will come to understand the whole idea of teamwork and sportsmanship and that the light of the Lord would shine through him...that he would be a testimony on and off the field!

  14. tell ben that uncle dave loves the uniform, and if he ever sees him wearing it he won't hug him... he will TACKLE him!! (with apologies to all the nice ladies that read your blog)


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