Friday, June 20, 2008

Look Who's 7!


  1. Happy Birthday, Bethany!! We love you!

  2. Thanks!

    But you did a great job on your cake- it's beautiful! :) Your daughter is really blessed to have you for her mom. I hope she had a great birthday!

  3. Wow - that is such a cool cake! I bet my daughter would love that!

  4. LOOK AT THAT CAKE!! That's an amazing cake.

  5. Oh, thanks for the fun visits today, ladies. This cake was extra fun because Bethany gave me so much help with the decorating. The towers were a little top heavy, however, and it was a good thing I took the pictures right away...

  6. Boy you guys do NOT skimp on the birthday cakes!! Fan.Cee.

  7. You've made so many beautiful cakes over the years, Tracy.

    I can do a butter cake slab and ice it pretty, but that's the extent of my talents. :)

  8. Happy birthday Bethany! Looks like you guys had a great time. Love the cake - turned out great! Fit for a princess!

    Ya know, I was thinking, you could save that style and pretty easily switch it to a boy cake - knights and a moat, etc...(Bibleman!) Just a your creative brain cells when Ben's birthday rolls around...

  9. Well, the recycling idea is a great one, but this is one cake I'm not sure I'd try again. This is my first attempt at actually constructing a cake, and it wasn't a really pretty process.

    For the record, Ben did love this cake. Bethany was very sweet about letting him help decorate (thankfully he stayed out of her space until the gumdrops were on), and they both had a great time with it. He says his tiger cake is still the best, though.

  10. That is the cake of any little girl's dreams. Well done!

  11. Wow, that is an aweome cake. I am so jelous, I could never do that.


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