Thursday, March 27, 2008

We are the Church

Today our pastor printed this in his weekly newsletter. It brought tears to my eyes. We are the church. I often wish that somehow we could see the full extent of our impact. That will have to wait until heaven, because God's children are not flashy about what they do as they go about their days. Praise God that the impact of the church is so far beyond what any one of us can see!! So here it is, from Pastor Stan:

This is the second of the two-part series spotlighting YOU, the church family. You are the church and you are exceptional.

What are you doing? It's impossible to capture it all in one little column because you are doing so much corporately, as families, and as individuals. Some of it is known and some of it is underneath the radar. Some of what you are doing has been going on for years. Some of it is brand new. Some of the things you are doing can be described as cutting-edge, risky, daring. You are out of your comfort zone but you are giving it a go.

You are a flag-ship church blazing a trail. You are one-of-a kind church charting new waters. You are a faithful church maintaining the faith of the fathers. You are a futuristic church thinking, planning, giving toward the next generations.

In the essentials, you are united; in the non-essentials, you give liberty; in all things, you show love.

You are growing quantitatively, willing to reach out. You are growing qualitatively, going deeper in faith and practice.

You are the church and you have a great past but a greater future. You are the church and you cannot stop, pander, wait, or linger because you have a commission and a calling to go, and make disciples, and baptize these new disciples, and teach these new baptized disciples, all that Jesus commanded.

You are the church that God can count on. You are the church that proclaims His love to all people. You are the church that majors on the majors and minors on the minors.

You are the church!

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