Sunday, February 17, 2008

Parenting Update

It's time for a book commercial, for a book that I have loved and hated. Reading Parenting With Love and Logic with my husband has really helped us get our minds around some of the thoughts about parenting that we were exploring here and here, namely how to let our kids start taking more responsibilities for themselves. This book is the ultimate "how to" for doing just that. For this, we are grateful.

I have sometimes hated this book for telling me what I already know--that my previous practices have had some woeful shortcomings. It seemed like they kept rubbing my nose in this (without coming right out and saying it), when here I was, looking to them to help make me better. Ironically, this helped me see my kids' position and empathize with them. What they need from me is compassion and help, not another voice to tell them what they've done wrong. They already know. They need us to support them as they figure out what they're going to do about it.

We've had some awesome successes! Our relationships with our kids have been blessed. And sometimes we don't look much different from before. Old habits die hard. But we ARE getting better. Hallelujah! We recommend it.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for all of the kind words passed my way. I figure that no matter what I am doing, there is always someone who needs encouragement with so many discouraging things going on in life! With a pen being mightier than a sword and a tongue that can either bless or curse, I have decided to try and bring some blessing. Have a wonderful day...btw, I enjoyed your blog as well. Thanks again for visiting!


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!