Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A farewell of another kind

We did something last week that we've never done before, never really considered a possibility since we moved into this house almost six years ago. We had guests over, and actually hung their jackets in our front closet! I know--kinda pathetic--but it's small!

One of my major goals when the kids went back to school was to go through our STUFF and get rid of things we don't need anymore. Today yet another donation truck came and took away a load, and I am happy to say that we are whittling away at it! I must also say, however, that I have a really hard time getting rid of things that my husband bought me, even if they are worn out or outdated. I had to try some of them on to figure out why I don't wear them anymore since I loved them so much for so long. Oh yeah, the shoulder pads. I still have a long way to go on this project, but we're making progress! And so far I've gotten a working front closet out of the deal...


  1. Excellent come over to my house and get crackin'...

  2. inviting you to stop by my blog for the Valentine's Give Away I am hostessing.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!