Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A hop, skip and a jump


Teachinfourth  (a.k.a. Jason or Mr. Z) over at Adventures and Misadventures of Daily Living is a fabulous photographer and master storyteller.  Not to mention, he is a teacher.  I smile every time I go over there, and usually laugh pretty hard too.  His "Moments With Joey" posts almost make me want to go back to the classroom. Almost.  He uses his "Weekly Kodachrome" to encourage people to post pictures from the last week that make them smile.  A great excuse for this photo, I thought.

Fridays are family outing nights for us.  This is a perfect example of why I love them. Fridays, that is.  And my family.  Both.

Click the button for more smile makers!

Adventures & Misadventures of Daily Living


  1. Another cute one Tracy - it definitely made me smile. :) blessings, marlene

  2. This is a great image, Tracy! I image it's because they're headed off to school, right?

    Okay, maybe not.

    Thanks also for the kind words - and the shout-out. I hope to see you around again...keep taking those photos, girl!

    I must add that since this Joey has emerged from hiding, he's kept me in stitches. Not a day now goes by that he doesn't leave me with a smile.

  3. Wonderful capture! :-)
    Thanks for commenting on my blog.


A companion on the journey is wonderful...some conversation is even better!